Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am a sicko

I got sick. I know, it doesn't sound too incredibly drastic or devastating, or any other doomi-ish words starting with D, but I'm not too thrilled about it. Especially since I can't really talk. I can only growl and screech.

Thankfully, they have amazing cold medicine here, which hasn't really kicked in today. But it's amazing. Completely dries out your sinuses, gives you back your voice, all of your symptoms magically disappear for 12 hours. I love it. Hopefully, it will kick in soon. That'd be nice. :)


Anonymous said...

In Prague, can you walk into a pharmacy like you do in America or do you have to knock on a door and talk to someone? I was in Venezia with friends. A friend had a cold and needed medicine. I was surprised that we could not walk into a pharmacy to pick up cold medicine. She had to knock on the door and talk to someone through the door! Someone opened a little box and handed out the medicine through the "window box" of the door.

Wondering about Prague...

could you pass the peace please said...

I'm answering for Coral as she hasn't been to a pharmacy yet...

Yes, you can walk inside the pharmacies here, and yes, they are different.

A pharmacy is not a drugstore - those sell things other than medication - everything you'd find in Longs or RiteAid or something but no medication of any sort.

The pharmacies here are Lekarnas and they only sell medication. We haven't need anything prescription yet, but it's struggle trying to get the OTC stuff... you don't pick it up, it's behind the counter and they choose it for you, so you have to know the name of what you want and the amount you want too... Not the easiest thing when you don't know what you need!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. So you can still go inside the pharmacy and tell them what you need and they will get it for you from behind the counter. That is still different from having to talk to a door ;)

So Prague is different from the pharmacies I went to in Italy and Austria...