Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You know you're....

I just found this online about my school... and it's fairly relevant, as far as I can tell, which made me laugh.

You know you went to AAC when:

1.)You’ve witnessed the smoking garden location changed at least 3 times, and you don’t care, cuz you still smoke in front of the building.
2.)Teachers have offered to take the class out for beer instead of finishing class on time.
3.)You have come to the realization that most of Dix’s classes are essentially the same class.
4.)You have a favorite couch somewhere in the building, and have labeled it “the meeting couch”.
5.)You have gone out for drinks with people from class, and Ozuna came along.
6.)School parties combined with UNYP usually cause some sort of rivalry and gossip.
7.)You can make it from the tram to the school in under 2 minutes, despite the tourists, cuz you know how to dodge them.
8.)Coming to class an hour late doesn’t give you a bad grade, it makes you the “alpha male”.
9.)Waiting in the computer lab for 45 minutes for people to filter out or the computers to function is a normal occurrence.
10.)You didn’t know we had a student council until John started weekly announcements in his classes.
11.)You can run up and down 90 flights of stairs a day and not even think about it.
12.)A 3 hour class is no big deal.
13.)You know from experience that room 100 is too cold for most forms of human life.
14.)You aren’t quite sure who the president of the school is now…
15.)Getting wine at DobrĂ¡ Trafika before class is a pretty normal occurrence.
16.)You remember the cave, and wish it was still there.
17.)Meeting someone who has 4 mother languages is really not that uncommon.
18.) Half the people in your afternoon class stink of alcohol.
19.) You're not surprised when Dr. Dix asks the American guys who among them is circumcised.
20.) When you have studied Kant, Weber, and Marx in EVERY class.
21.) When you don't eat before Turnau's class because you know he'll perform last rites and then give everyone unlimited cookies.

1 comment:

Kidsis said...

Hahaha that's great!