Sunday, March 8, 2009

The price of food

Recently a CS friend asked to go grocery shopping with me. As life turned out I felt sick and canceled the trip. But I had to make a run to the market anyway.

Here is a photo of what I bought. The total came to about 440kc, which roughly translates to about $20USD - just under on this particular day.

If you can't figure out what's in there ask - I kept the receipt, thinking I'd write it out, but realized it's in Czech and I can't read it. :)

Wait - I looked - there is milk, eggs, 2 liters of water, orange soda, 6 chicken breasts, some ground beef, butter, 6 baguettes of varieing sizes, 2 packets of ham and one of chicken, pasta sauce, 2 cans of tomato paste/sauce stuff, maybe a pastry, some veggies, and I don't know what else....

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