Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I'm rather disappointed in you California - on off the cuff (aren't they all) response to the STUPID religious right & the CA Supreme Court on Prop 8

Seriously, what part of equality are you unclear on? Do you really think the founding fathers, those guys who tried to make the Constitution pretty hands-off and applicable to everyone, or, rather, to all citizens, would endorse your nit-picky ignorant and backwoods discrimination? In this day and age citizens come in all colors, sexes and inclinations... I thought we got over that separate but equal thing a few years back... or are you stuck still trying to distinguish one form of genetically disposed directives, such as...hmmm, let's say - racial identity, from another, oh, gee, say - sexual disposition...? Seriously - WHAT is your problem??

If God made us who we are, each and every one of us, then do you really think he'd want you pointing fingers at his creations saying, "Not you, you're not good enough. God doesn't love you like he loves me." Do you really think he made you a better judge of what is human and who is one of his beloved than he is himself? Do you think Jesus, who embraced the thieves and prostitutes, would want you condemning any other human, isolating and demeaning them for being, for fulfilling, the genetic predisposition that God graced them with. And I say graced as homosexuality is not a piece of cake in our society... as your overwhelming ignorance, California, is currently reinforcing, but as God is all knowing and acts with intention then he picked people intentionally, knowing them to be capable of handling the invective words of his less evolved creations, placing these chosen up against opposition, discrimination, confusion, inner turmoil, and societal rejection throughout the world. God knew them to be special, capable of becoming their genuine selves, overcoming the unfounded fears and misplaced aggression readily thrown about by closed minds and empty hears... and yet -

What idiots, fomenting hatred and ignorance, your empty shells and narrow minds calling "GOD" as justification for your hatred and intolerance.

However this is all dependent upon you're believing in God... which if you voted for Prop H8 you probably do... for me - I don't think he has much of a place in political issues. I think, thought, that if you want to get married and you're an adult and not already married then nothing should be stopping you. I think if you want a church wedding on top of or instead of a civil ceremony then find a church that will do it for you... and you can feel all good and special about your hetero union that way... but as no-one is stopping you from getting married then you shouldn't be stopping anyone else.

A marriage is a civil union - a religious one only if you choose to step beyond the civil ceremony, but it begins and ends with the civil law - legal paperwork is required to start it - no matter how many times you say I do in front of a priest and legal filings must be completed to end it. Anyone professing otherwise is a stupid head. I'm tired and not coming up with my true feelings at the moment, so stupid head, though juvenile, is also appropriate and for the time being will have to suffice.

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