Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What is the 25th most popular blog for Sonoma County subscribers???


I am actually listed by NetworkBlogs (which is affiliated somehow with Facebook) in the Top 50 for Sonoma County - we fall in as #25! AND with a 5 star rating (thanks the two people who took the time to vote for me - means a lot!!)

Now, if only all my facebook Sonoma County family members were all listed as followers I bet I'd be up around #7 or even #6!!


Anonymous said...

i get the hint already!!! XOXO :)

could you pass the peace please said...

By common definition of the word anonymous... when you post a comment under that name I DON"T KNOW WHO YOU ARE ?!?

Although I may have an idea... or can at least narrow it down to one of a few of my loved ones =)

BUT here's an update -

We are no longer #25 - we're #15!!!