Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Out, out damn.... mosquito!

I am starting to wonder if there is some basis for the vampire legends... I can envision someone rationalizing vampires after the past week's experiences. I am being haunted by a demon mosquito.

I have killed this thing at least once a night, every night, for over a week. And each night one mosquito comes back and bites me. Every single night. It stays in my bedroom, hidden during the day, waiting to return at dusk. It stalks me and sucks my blood and flies off to return at its whim... I swear it regenerates each time I kill it!!!

This thing is driving me crazy. Literally. I wake up in the middle of the night, swollen, disfigured, discolored, and in a bit of pain with a lot of frustration. Last night I got another bite and broke out in hives - my entire arm was red and blotchy.... after waking from the bite itself I watched the splotches develop and the redness spread from my mid-forearm in either direction - to my wrist and elbow. The night before it was my face.

I am so frustrated that when I hear it I start moving to the other room to sleep on the couch instead of my bed. It doesn't bite me out there.

Each night, just one dead mosquito. The windows are closed. I can't figure out how it gets in the flat. But somehow there is always one blood sucking mosquito waiting for me in my bedroom. I haven't slept well in quite some time.

If you are an expert mosquito killer please, please let me know. If you can kill it and it stays dead and gone I will compensate you with homemade peanut butter cookies. And everlasting gratitude.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad to say, but there is no killing that special little buzzing bastard. Or his relatives, one of which haunts me here in Santa Monica, CA. There are NO other mosquitos here. None. They can't survive the smog, or the smug, for that matter. Except for this one bloody pest (no pun intended). Somehow, he flies up three stories and penetrates the hermetic seal that encloses my tonwhouse and gets in. Every @#@*$^! night. Then the game of hide, seek, swat, bite, hit, miss, kill begins. Yet the next day, there he is again. Just him. He has asked me to extend his greetings to his equally irritating Czech cousin, so there you go. Sympathies from CA. Great blog, by the way. Looking to move to Prague in the next couple of years and it's great to hear about people's personal experiences.