Friday, October 14, 2011

but I live in Prague!

I had an appointment today at the hospital... the good thing is that the pre-cancerous marks are still not cancer! Woo hoo!

The bad - I've developed an aggressive skin condition. It's treatable (not too effectively so far) but not reversible or curable. While reviewing the care and diagnosis the doctor gave me some flyers, in Czech obviously, and asked if I could have them translated. He said they were important and I need to follow them. I said yes, okay, and then looked at them while he filled in some papers. I can't speak for squat but I can read a bit. And I was not happy with what I was seeing and asked him to confirm my understanding...

This says, no smoking? (Not a problem, I'm a non-smoker).

And this, no caffeine? No alcohol?

No sun?

No cold weather?

And this - what... no water?!?
No chlorinated water, no Prague water.

OK, but, I mean... I live in Prague... All of this...I live in Prague, how am I...?
It's not so important the alcohol and smoke. Don't worry. Just don't wash with the water.

But you told me to follow this...
Yes, but it's not reasonable all these limitations. You live here. You would have no life. It's too much. Don't worry.

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