Thursday, December 3, 2009

the headache continues: part deux

There are moments I wish I wasn't a single parent... it's never out of frustration with my kid or the juggling of schedules or things like that, it's when I feel fear or anxiety for my daughter. I wish I had that other parent/partner to bounce my emotions off of, to offer up a different perspective, to help me slow down and relax or to allow me a moment to release all this pent up stuff with someone supportive who feels as deeply about her as I do. Sometimes I wish I had that freedom.

As she never reads this I can write it here, and you can have a glimpse of what's going on... most of you (assuming if you're still reading you know us) know that she had a pretty bad concussion a few years back... if you follow this blog you know she fell a few weeks ago. Now, it seems, that fall rattled her brain enough to bring back some of those same concussion symptoms. She's experienced increasing headaches, sleepiness, dizziness, blurry vision, screwy literal interpretations, and forgetting the step by step stuff that's involved in short-hand speech (do the dishes means more than just wash the plates - solely the plates). We're back to writing everything down and she gets to read it when she wakes up about 1PM (or 13:00 depending on how you tell time). It's about 6 in the evening (18:00) and even though she slept all night, after days full of naps, she's napping again. Already.

Sometimes it's scary seeing her fall back in to that lack of understanding and physical pain... other times it's the frustration that is overwhelming - seeing her hurting or experiencing her own concerns about the situation. She's out of school for a bit while her brain rests, once again she's not allowed to read or do any school work until things are a bit better and her head is (nearly) headache free. Hopefully that will be very, very soon. In the meantime, if you care to, please write her or skype her or whatever it is you do to keep in touch with her - she's dreadfully bored when she's awake... so far she's watched the Matrix movies and is now on Star Wars (watching them in chronological order of their release). If you have suggestions for tv shows or movies that'd be great... as they require less brain activity than sleeping it's the one thing she can actively do to help move along her recovery. Brain injury - probably the only time the doctor will tell you to go be a couch potato.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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