Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And We Now Resume our Broadcast

It is amazing (a much overused word in my vocabulary) how ingrained we are with programming.... commercials, cartoons, jingles from childhood have stuck with me for life!

Perfect example... although I may have already written on this (I supposed I should review my own writing and this blog at some point):

Late nite food fest with a new friend... chicken gyros - the food was really dry and we were talking about getting chicken here - how hard it is to find something moist and juicy and the limited options...

He, American, said, "Oh my God, I know it's bad and all, it's terrible, but I was at Kentucky Fried Chicken and it was perfect, they got it down, man. All juicy and moist. It was (family friend edit here ) awesome! Kentucky Fried Chicken, you know, they do chicken right!" and then he paused (he's a bit of a talker so the pause is noteworthy :-) ) and I sorta giggled.

His words were earnest and true, and I couldn't agree with him more.... BUT -

That's the KFC jingle from decades in the past - come on now, sing it with me -

Kentucky Fried Chicken.... they do chicken right!

Neither of us live in the US, that hasn't played for years (they turned in to KFC a while back in an attempt to remove the Fried connection) and yet, we, of similar age, have that stupid jingle stuck in our heads... and in a moment of earnest desperation that is what we turned to.

Truth. Chicken. The American Way.

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