Thursday, February 23, 2012

ridiculous wording

Today I had to write a responsive letter to a stranger. Although I haven't met him what he'd sent was of particular interest to me. He'd signed his letter with his full title so I used it in my greeting.

How ridiculous is this?
Dear Prof. Dr. Dr.


Anonymous said...

One is expected to adress such person as mister professor in Czech.

could you pass the peace please said...

I'm used to Mr. Professor or Mrs. Doctor, but usually when I see both Professor and multiple PhDs they write Professor at the start and their PhDs at the end. This person wasn't Czech - I have no idea how I'd have to address them in person.

Anonymous said...

Hm, I guess the single highest rank should suffice both in writing and in person when adressing. Or you can always call this person Governor, it worked with Professor Higgins :-)