Sunday, February 22, 2009

Couchsurfing - Orchids, Fraktal... and more!

Yesterday I went to another couchsurfing event... we went to some Botanical Gardens to look at orchids.

It started with one guy posting that's what he was doing and opening it up to whomever wanted to join. I think there were about 15 people who showed up. We gathered at a metro stop, took a bus, to the gardens, then hiked up to an overlook above the vineyards where we had a great snowball fight -

The we toured the greenhouse which was hot and humid and full of beautiful flowers... it was really like a little oasis from the dreary gray skies and endless snow... artificial but fully appreciated! A friend from Brazil said it was just like home, very authentic. I think we all appreciated the warmth and beauty.

Then we tried took a bus back towards the center - where a group of us carried on to find some food. This is another CSer on the bus back in to town - she's taken her shoes and socks off ever so briefly during the ride - and me at Fraktal, laughing, preparing to eat the best burger I've had in Prague so far!

Afterwards we ended up at the ringleader's flat for a night of talking, a few beers, and roasting marshmallows in the fireplace - he's also American and has quite considerately kept a stock of marshmallows and a roasting fork for his non-American visitors... it was pretty cool, sharing that with people who've only seen it in movies.

And about midnight, the remaining few went over to Akropolis for some dancing before heading home.

1 comment:

Maureen Slabaugh said...

Hi Jenny,
Love these photos! Prague weather looks very similar to Seattle weather minus the snow and of course a little warmer. The gray however looks very very familiar. I understand that Coral got her visa, when is she coming back?