Friday, July 2, 2010

An International Nailing

Last night was my first venture in to a "nail bar". I'd heard reference to it before but hadn't been there... I went to a raucous dinner event with friends and late in the realized I was tired, out of money and should really head home when I was informed that we were all moving to this mythical magical place - the nail bar.

So I did the logical thing and followed.

(It was actually quite close to my flat so not any sort of major detour or anything - less than a 10 minute walk home, door to door.)

So, you may ask, what is a nail bar? I did, having never heard of one before. A nail bar is a bar, and in the center of the bar is a giant stump - a section of a big log standing on its end, about 4 feet or so high. You approach the bartender and you ask for nails for all the participants and a hammer. Then you find your sweet spot in the stump and tap the nail in to the notch on the side of the hammer and wait for the game to begin.

The idea behind the game is this - you flip the hammer over so the end facing down is the narrow end you use to pry stuff up with, you place it on the wood and you get a one movement swing, from wood to nail, to try to hit the nail with the narrow end and hammer it down flush to the wood. You get one swing only and then pass it along counter-clockwise. Then the next person takes one swing and so on. You must get the nail flush - if you can fit a fingernail underneath you're not done. The last person - or people - left with nails still standing have to buy drinks for all the winners. That's it. It's also a lot harder than it sounds.

I watched a full game, and a lot of frustration, and finally want home to sleep - all and all, it was a good night.

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