Saturday, April 18, 2009

Jello pudding & Crystal Light... and other random thoughts

For some reason these are what I'm really missing right now. Chocolate Jello Pudding and Crystal Light Lemonade. Not healthy but they make me happy.

It's raining and the wind is terrible. Not too much new here but I may experience Ultimate Frisbee for the first time tomorrow - depending upon the weather.

And needing - Allegra. If you can send some that'd be AWESOME! Coral's allergies are kickin in again and the kid has been overwhelmed... the pharmacies here are easy if you know exactly what you want, with perfect pronunciation, or if you're lucky enough to show up while an English speaking employee is on duty. I'm not that lucky as of late.

Next week is another retreat. And I have 2 projects and a third paper to work on.

AND I still haven't been paid AGAIN by the same boss. Unfortunately English jobs aren't being widely advertised right now and my job hunt is less than fruitful. Housing is also a bit difficult so we may just be staying here for a while longer. Not that that's a terrible thing, our flat is great, just quite remote from our lives.

Peace. Sleep well.

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