Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ring ring ring goes the trolley

Let's make that the tram, actually. They've been ringing like crazy lately! It's been making me a bit nervous, to tell the truth, and my touch of anxiety is not unfounded... last week I was in a tram when it crashed in to and ripped the front off a car. Driver fail!!! - on both accounts!!!!

It was so disconcerting - felt like when we ran over the front pieces of the car we popped out of the tracks and tilted for a bit before we settled back into the ruts. The driver and passenger were moving in slow motion, mouths agape, eyes straight from Van Gogh, leaning forward over the dash, looking around, flopping back in their seats - and leaning forward again...rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat.

We nearly crashed again today - stopped so hard people not only lost their footing and were grasping for the bars but a few fell over and bags flew through the air - nearly smacked my head on the pole! I'm starting to wonder whether the auto drivers have gotten worse or the tram drivers more aggressive... either one, the whole thing is giving me new appreciation for the metro - and my feet!

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