Saturday, February 5, 2011

Making a house a home

We've lived in a lot of places. Well over a dozen. In this country alone we've had four residences. The thing about living in a place is that while it may be your house (or flat/apartment/duplex/whatever) that house is not necessarily a home. The transition from house to home can be a lot more complicated.

I've tried to make our houses homes - to different degrees of success. Most often, though, I think we have a home - but most often means not always. Sometimes it takes many months for the homeyness to come through... but if you're lucky, like we've been with this most recent move... you get a place that is home from the get-go. Maybe the smell of fresh baked goods adds to the home impression, maybe the laughter and love makes it a complete experience, but whatever it is this place is our home... and last night was the ultimate compliment in that respect.

I had a few people over and as they came through I heard "I love your home - it's so cozy" or comfortable or some other equally pleasant word. I got to watch a friend have the same reaction we experienced when we came to view the place for the first time - she stopped in the entry way and so "Oh my gosh - this is wonderful!" But the one that affirmed for me that we've got a home and not just another house was when someone said "I love it! You've got a proper home, not just anther flat... I'm more comfortable here than in my own home."

That's the environment I want for my child - what I've always wanted and what I want to continue offering her. A place to come home to, that embraces you, one that makes you feel comfortable and at ease, one full of happy people and joy and where you want to be and your friends want to return to. That's what every child should have. A place that loves them and where they feel like they belong. I don't know the magic formula. It's a lot more than just the furniture and fixtures. It's not comfort food cooking away in the kitchen and it's not just happy people in the house. It's something else. And I'm so grateful that this time we've definitely got it.

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