Tuesday, February 1, 2011

i wish...

I wish

  • that I could fall asleep before 2:00.
  • that the Kid was well rested and less grumpy.
  • that there was less homework in the world and other ways of ensuring necessary information was successfully transmitted.
  • that I was supported by a more responsive team.
  • that my homes weren't quite so far away from each other.
  • that the sun remembered to visit the sky on a regular basis.
  • that people would realize that feeling love is not the same as conveying love and would start letting other know they care rather than keeping those lovely feelings all nice and cozy inside.
  • that I had a bed that wasn't breaking my body.
  • that not one more person would be injured or killed in Egypt.
  • that some crazy celebrity would hand me a check for $30k - and that I had the balls to cash it.
  • that more people paid attention to the looming global warming and energy crisis and would focus on finding sustainable energy sources that didn't consume petroleum fuel in the development process.
  • that African nations weren't jeopardized by their lack of water and that this very real issue was given appropriate attention. In many areas, in the coming year, many people will die of starvation as there isn't enough water to support agriculture - unfortunately those who don't die of starvation may be because dehydration kills quicker.
  • that my hands and fingers didn't burn from typing this little blurb.
  • that more people, myself included, sent letters and postcards.
  • that I could find one doctor who would stop my constant cold without having to do any more tests.
  • that the Kid finds and keeps a permanent inner peace very soon (probably won't happen until after her Physics class ends...at the earliest).
  • that we all find joy in our daily lifes and remember to share it with those around us.
  • to truly laugh at least twice a day, every day, for the rest of my life.
  • that I didn't have to get up to turn off the light... I'm tired now, so good night.

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