Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dog Poo, People Poo

Two things I'm not sure I mentioned:

One - there is dog poo everywhere. People will say, oh, just like Paris - NO nothing like Paris - the stench is unreal, and I do mean everywhere. Not so much in our district as the downtown area - it's horrible, you really have to watch the sidewalk or you'll step in it.

Two - We've had an occurence with our neighbor across the hall when he was, well, inebriated. His Mom kicked him out - literally, physically, he was put in a headlock and shoved out of the apartment. He then spent hours and hours hollering and buzzing at the door for them to let him in... we managed to fall asleep that weeknight, but only after midnight.

How did these two totally unconnected things happen to be raised, as if they had some importance?

Well, the neighbor, or maybe the neighbor's friend, showed up just before noon today, buzzing us, buzzing them, and finally gaining admittance to the building - and then buzzing the door across the hall. He went in and out and was trying to get back in and calling and talking and hollering, and we were in our apartment preparing to leave for the day.

I had to check through our peep hole a few times as our door was buzzed and it sounded like someone was knocking, but he was just drunk and stumbling and knocking in to things.

Not thrilled.

Unfortunately, not the worst of it either.

At some point in time he had an accident. That's the nice way of putting it, and as I know family reads this I'm letting you know to skip to the next paragraph if you want to avoid a more graphic description. Skip down now... The guy shit himself and then walked around the hall, stumbling, grinding it in to the carpet and our doormat.

For the family version... He went #2 in the hallway and didn't clean it up.

We were leaving and opened the door as the door across the hall was opening to the drunk - and there was an instant recoil on my part as the smell hit me. We had to regroup and plan our exit strategy and then we made it out - we spent hours and hours up at Prague Castle today - photos and more details later - and then started dreading coming home.

Apparently, with good reason.

Six hours later and they've not cleaned up. Not at all.

Gross stuff again so skip to the next paragraph if you want to avoid it....NOW... fortunately it's dried a little so the smell isn't so immediately nausea inducing.

I am at a loss and frustrated. And disgusted.

Just this morning the kid had mentioned how much she loved our apartment and we were discussing how much we loved being here, and had no desire to move.

The yuckiness must stop.


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA OMG that is hysterical in a twisted way! As long as you can't smell it from within your apartment and as long as the unnecessary noise stops.
I'm glad to hear that you guys like your apartment, and that it is distinct from the graffiti-adorned concrete boxes elsewhere. I hope ALL issues with your place of residence are soon resolved.
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Honey! Love you and miss you. Get a BB Gun and that will fix the annoying drunk neighbor issue. It works with my roomates! Hee hee