Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First trip to the mountains

This weekend I'm taking my first real journey outside Prague - headed up to Snezka to what is supposedly the highest mountain in the Czech Republic.

We being the group of CSers who have opted to go... about 14 of us I think. I've only met 2 or 3 of them previously.

The cost for two nights of lodging, a little less than $20. Dinner tops out around $5, with breakfast being a bit less than that. In preparation I have to find snowshoes to rent as it's a 3K hike from the car to the lodge where we're staying. I also should find some poles, locate my good gloves, my missing long john, and ensure I have LOTS and LOTS of extra socks and a much warmer hat than my orange one... and one that fits unlike the Choate hat.

I need to get a big backpack, which I need anyway, as the bags I have are too big and bulky to hike with... and I need to decide if I'm riding in the car, which would put it at maximum capacity, or taking the bus and train with this guy I've met a few times. Neither of us have been to Snezka before, and I have no idea how to use the bus and train systems, and we're both relatively new Americans, me without czech skills, he has somewhat stronger grasp... so the bus/train route could be a bit more exciting... whereas the car option will be nice, warm, I'm guaranteed a seat for a multi-hour ride, and I think they know where they're going, a few of them have lived here for a few years, and they all come from Europe - Sweden, Ukraine, Portugal, and ???... right now the car option is looking pretty good. I'm in to knowing I won't have to stand for 5 hours or 8, depending on how life happens...

I'm bringing the camera. Pics for you next week! :)

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