Monday, March 16, 2009

Job situation deteriorates...

Here's the summary - prior to Christmas break my primary source of Czech income came from pre-school - I taught in 2 locations and also had one adult English course. I was offered another adult class and so left one pre-school as it pays a great deal less.

I was guaranteed at least 2 full adult classes with the option for private tutorials as well. The private tutorials mentioned by the school administrator never came to fruition but that's ok, that's not why I readjusted my schedule.

Last month the owner canceled my class. Well over a third of my income is gone. I've been searching for other options but nothing viable has appeared yet.

Today I realized the same owner has not paid me for a full month's worth of work - for both courses that I teach. That is about 80% of my income. That's sort of what I live on (groceries and bills and other sundries, not rent) and pay tuition with.

I am pretty upset right now. I contacted the administrator who informed me she's not been paid either, and even though she's emailed the owner (who lives in another country) he's not responded to the last 3 emails.

I'm feeling pretty screwed right now. Not very happy at all!!! SO far from cool.


Adventures of Ananda in BC said...

I am so sorry...I kinda feel your pain. The cash I was expecting to come is now not coming until next year at the soonest, here I am stuck in Canada and have no $ no job and am sleeping in the living room of a Philippino family....they are sweet but the food they cook IS NOT! all my close smell like fish sauce and I can't sleep late cause the Kid's yes there are small children(and it's spring break), and they stand over me until I wake up, and ask me why I'm sleeping!
come to think of it.... I'm sorry, your situations worse, at least here i get to sleep in.... You are in my prayers and my thoughts, Love you and hope you and Coral are together again.
I'm praying for you

Kidsis said...

What's the update on this situation? Please don't continue to work for free for him; he may NEVER pay you!