Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Kid's luck getting lost

The Kid had a meeting yesterday with the family of a little girl I used to teach - they contacted me aw while ago asking if I was available for private lessons for the family. I'm not, so I referred heras a teacher for their daughter and another woman for the parents. Yesterday she went to their home for the first time.

Apparently she got lost (don't stress out, it happens frequently, even to natives, it's just part of finding your way).

While she was lost she had interactions with a non-English speaking Czech woman, an English speaking Czech woman, and in between those two a French speaking Czech man... my American daughter and the French man didn't have a shared language and where both asking for something from the other. He approached her and asked about a dog that had recently passed by without an owner, indicating that he had one - she thought he was looking for his lost dog. She was turning in circles trying to read the map and the street names on the corner. He couldn't help her with directions and he wasn't looking for his dog. He was telling her had a dog. He was asking her for money for "food, home, park" the three English words she could identifyin addition to the dog. I guess they stood there for a bit talking to each other in mismatched tongues before they figured out the other couldn't offer anything of benefit to their individual situations and so individually went on their way.

She kept laughing while telling me this - and was actually proud of the first Czech interaction as she requested her directions so perfectly the woman didn't realize she didn't speak Czech... until she couldn't fully follow her answer. Not that the journey would have been easier if she did understand the answer as I don't think she knows how to read a map.


little amendment - she wanted me to clarify a few things... She fully understood the direction the Czech woman gave her. The need for further directions stemmed from the fact that the directions the woman gave her were wrong. Also, she knows how to read a map. I can't attest to the first, but the second I planning on having her prove in the next month or two when we head out of town for a long weekend.

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