Wednesday, May 5, 2010

All About Steve

A few years back I went through an in-house rehabilitation program (not drugs, you bozo, if you don't know what for, read a few older posts). While there I met some amazing people - everyone had different struggles they were trying to address, different difficult aspects they needed to be able to deal with in order to live their lives. I spent maybe a month there, a little less probably, and grew to love them like my family.

I just got some news about a guy I hold a lot of affection for. Steve is a cowboy, a true rodeo cowboy, and a sweet, sweet guy. I had the littlest bit of a crush on him as he has such a kind heart and quick laugh - but I couldn't reconcile liking a cowboy, tried it once and we were too different, and so let it go. (Even though I hate labels I still use them, in the worst way.) He's spent years plagued with health issues and had to leave regularly for dialysis and other medical treatments only available in the hospital. We had both arrived at the place in wheelchairs... that should give you an idea as to where we were each at.

I still adore him - he still holds a very special space in my heart, as does everyone else I shared that period with. A friend, a wonderful woman full of life and vitality whom I really miss, just sent me an email. Two weeks ago Steven found out he has cancer - actually he's had cancer, but now it's in his kidneys. Almost immediately my friend, and another awesome woman who shared this time with us, hopped on a plane and spent a week with Steven at his ranch. Tomorrow Steve will have his kidney, prostate, bladder and lymph nodes removed - this is in addition to what was already taken before. This obviously isn't good news. I don't know much about what can be done after such a major removal.

I'd like to ask that you send out good thoughts, some hope and love to my friend Steve. He can really use it.

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