Sunday, June 20, 2010

that was scary

it's sunday afternoon... we're packing the Kid up for her trip back to the US. there was a knock on the door. let me interject - i'm still in my pajamas - neither of us have showered, it's a lazy homey day. She offered to answer the door until i looked out and saw it was the police.

there were 3 officers at the door - and none of them spoke english. my first thoughts - she had a visa - it expired while were in london and its questionable as to whether or not she should have stayed out of the country for 90 days rather than be admitted back in immediately - which jumped to my second thought - she isn't registered at this address, so even if she were in violation how would they know she was here? which led to my NEXT thought - I'm not even registered at this address! what the heck? how did they find us and what did we do wrong?!?

nothing, apparently. they were looking for an elderly woman. we established she's not here and she's not across the hall so they continued up the stairs.

have i ever mentioned the police officers wear black paramilitary type jumpsuits? it's rather imposing.

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