Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Further, albeit cleaner, adventures of the poopy person

For those of you not up to date, you may want to take a quick detour for the History of the Horrible Man in the Hall before continuing so that you will fully appreciate what you are about to see.

Coral was late for school today. There was a giant snoring man in the hallway - and the sweet sickly smell of far too much alcohol exuding from his body. She stayed home rather than deal, but only for a short bit, just until the manager come over and tried to wake him... and failed. But under his strong and authorative supervision she walked around the huge lump in the middle of the floor.

The guy is still out there, the smell off his body is over-powering, and we are moving in 2 weeks and one day.

Was this the right decision - it's more expensive and this week I've been questioning myself. This morning, the world has given me, Yes, Yes, Yes, a resounding YES!!!

*** udpate - this guy is an ASS!!! He just hit his Mom as she was trying to drag him in to the apartment when he refused to get up - he finally go up just so he could hit her and then stumble through the actual doorway before passing out again.

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